What drives the need to ask for help instead of helping yourself?If you don’t do what needs to be done proactively and with eagerness in the present, you will do them reactively and with fear in the…Jan 20, 2024Jan 20, 2024
The Knight“It’s like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago. Just in time I will save the day. Take you to my castle far away.”Aug 16, 2023Aug 16, 2023
Junk Mail“A man’s foes are they of his own household,” and he who would be useful, strong, and happy, must cease to be a passive receptacle for the…Aug 6, 2023Aug 6, 2023
When it comes to working out or training or anything for that matter…“Motivation is crap!”May 8, 2023May 8, 2023
Asking vs demandingI was having a discussion today with Co workers and this idea popped into my head that I thought I would share with you all.Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022
The open road awaits…It’s a nice day for a drive I think to myself as I close the front door to my humble abode. I breathe in the fresh crisp morning air…Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
My thoughts on trying…While eating breakfast in the break room at work a thought came to me. It was a thought of Morpheus telling Neo, Come on!!!! Stop trying…Sep 13, 20213Sep 13, 20213
While listening to a sad slow jam…While listening to “One Last Cry” by Brian McKnight the other day I started thinking about other slow songs that have to do with lost love…Sep 13, 20211Sep 13, 20211